Ad Performance
First 14 Days of Optimization
This dashboard snapshot provides a quick overview of a recent Google Search PPC campaign we ran, over a two-week span. Each metric we targeted, from average Cost Per Click (CPC) to Click-Through Rate (CTR), has been detailed to offer insights into the campaign's progression and effectiveness.
The core focus during this period was optimizing for a more favorable CPC while increasing the number of clicks. As the data reveals, consistent improvements were made across all metrics, reaffirming the effectiveness of our optimization strategies. The displayed table offers a day-by-day breakdown of Average CPC, CTR, Clicks, Impressions, and Daily Cost, allowing for a granular understanding of the campaign's daily performance.
- Sanitized for Privacy
- B2B Company
- Small Daily Budget ($16.50/day)
- Primary Goal: Drive traffic in a cost effective manner.
This campaign was a trial, we look forward to bringing you larger datasets in the near future.
Available Sites
- Click the picture to visit site
- Ignore the content, it is filler
- Structure and style are what is important
- These are ready to be sold
- We can replace the copy and images for you